Healing is a matter of time,but sometimes also a matter of opportunity~Hippocrates
Investing in myofascial release is an investment in your health. Myofascial treatment provides long lasting effects that balance the mind and body through hands on treatment.
Myofascial Initial Consultation and Treatment $175.00 (Includes postural analysis, range of motion testing,strength testing,myofascial treatment and self treatment instruction and recommendations) * If you are a new client or new to myofascial release please choose this scheduling option.*
Myofascial 120 Minute Treatment $240.00
Myofascial 90 Minute Treatment $180.00
Myofascial 75 Minute Treatment $150.00
Myofascial 60 Minute Treatment $120.00
Kinesiotaping per area $5-15.00 (First Trial is free)